Have you recently been in an auto accident in Tarpon Springs or the surrounding Tampa Bay, Florida communities? Looking for an auto body repair shop in Tarpon Springs? Not quite sure how this whole auto body repair thing works? Today RKB Auto Body in Tarpon Springs is discussing frequently asked auto body repair questions! We hope you learn something new, if you have any additional questions, feel free to give us a call. We’d be happy to answer any of your auto body repair questions.

Am I required to go to the Tarpon Springs auto body shop that my insurance company recommends?

No, contrary to popular belief you can take your vehicle to the shop that you know and trust. Your insurance company cannot require you to bring your vehicle to any specific auto body repair shop in Tarpon Springs.

Do I need an appointment for an auto repair estimate in Tarpon Springs?

No, at RKB Auto Body in Tarpon Springs we’d be happy to provide an auto repair estimate for you at any time. Simply give us a call, send us an email or even visit our auto body shop near you.

How long will the estimating process take?

It typically should only take about 15-30 minutes to receive your auto repair estimate. However, the process can take longer if the vehicle is extensively damaged, the car is an older model or the parts needed are uncommon.

What should I bring with me when I come in for a Tarpon Spring auto body estimate?

When you come to RKB Auto Body in Tarpon Springs for your estimate, we recommend bringing any documents from your insurance company and/or the other insurance company involved. Pre-issues insurance checks, contact names/numbers, emails, written estimates, etc. can all be helpful.

Do I need 3 auto body repair estimates?

No, you can get as few or as many estimates as you would like. We would be happy to provide an additional estimate for you though if you are shopping around for the best pricing.

Am I entitled to a rental vehicle?

This is a question better suited for your auto insurance company. Those that opted for rental insurance coverage should be entitled to a rental vehicle but your insurance provider will have a more concise answer.

Visit RKB Auto Body Repair in Tarpon Springs, Florida

Need auto body repair in Tarpon Springs, Florida? Contact RKB Auto Body today, we’d be more than happy to get a quote together for your auto body repair.

Tarpon Springs Auto Body Repair FAQs